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About Us
Dr. Teel and the FCA team beleive it is critical to fundamentally change eldercare now due to the demographic, economic, and social realities of aging in America.

Full Circle America
               Empowered aging



In addition to writing and speaking widely on the topic, Dr. Teel has spent almost a decade refining an operational model to implement the principles of his approach into a sustainable service business. He feels that we can reconfigure existing community resources to immediately address the goals and aspirations of older individuals, and by so doing, create an inter-generational community that benefits all of us.

Dr. Allan Teel
Founder of Full Circle America and Author of Alone and Invisible No More
Meet Our FCA Administrative Team
Kim Fenn
Operations Manager
Medical Assistant
Dianna Leeman
Care Manager
Medical Assistant
Tina Streker
Clinical Manager
Registered Nurse
Brittini Gracie
Lead Monitor
Certified Nursing Assistant

The Dignity of Risk 
To Experience life fully, one needs the opportunity to succeed or fail.
To offer less is to deprive an individual of the ability to grow.




3 Key Elements of FCA













People are the key to success. We engage people who have a true passion for life and enjoy helping others. From our volunteers to our home health aides to our members, everyone has something to give. 



















"Whatever it takes!" Our attitude is unique. We understand your life and needs can change on a monthly, weekly or even a daily basis


By using advantages in technology to our advantage we are able to open up a world of possibilities. You don't have to be tech savvy to participate.

PO Box 484

Damariscotta Maine 04543

ph: 1-888-873-8817

fax: 1-888-919-7737 


© 2013 Full Circle America

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